Featured Promotions


    Cracked screen? Broken computer? Let us fix your tech devices—cellphones, computers, and tablets. Greenbacks' trained technicians can fix screens, remove viruses, recover data, repair cell phones, laptops, and so much more.

    Contact us first if you'd like! Fill out our Tech Repair Quote form (click the link below), and we will contact you to go over costs and additional details, or just come to the store to speak directly with Greenbacks associate or technician.
    FILL OUT OUR TECH REPAIR QUOTE FORM TODAY https://www.greenbackspawnshop.com/tech-repair/


    Attention Military Personnel! Save 10% on your next purchase. It's our way of saying Thank You! Show your valid Military ID or be in uniform, and start saving! This discount is year-round, so save every time you shop at Greenbacks Pawnshop in Trenton or Belleville.   Always save at Greenbacks!

    *This discount is for 10% off pre-owned items. This discount cannot be used with other discount cards, promotions, or sales. Brand new items, bullion, all forms of currency, gift cards, and tech services are excluded from this discount. This discount can be used in Trenton or Belleville. Must be in Military uniform or show Military ID at the time of purchase. In-store only. Exclusions may apply.


    Save even more from the comfort of home! Greenbacks online store has Free Shipping Across Canada. That's free shipping coast to coast on orders of $150 or more! Find 1000s of new and pre-owned brand name products at discount prices. Everything is tested, inspected, and backed by our 30-day warranty!  Inventory is added daily. Check back often as you never know what you'll find! Expires December 31, 2025.

    START SAVING NOW  shop.greenbackspawnshop.com
    ATTENTION TO OUR USA CUSTOMERS: Unfortunately, due to restrictions on our online store, we cannot turn off the free shipping option for customers outside of Canada. The free shipping promotion will be applied at checkout, but your order will not go through. You will receive a shipping quote with the option to proceed and complete or to cancel your order. We apologize for any inconvenience.
    *Exclusions and restrictions may apply. Greenbacks Pawnshop maintains the right to change or modify this promotion at anytime without notice.


    MAKE EVERY NIGHT A MOVIE NIGHT! When you make a purchase in Trenton or Belleville after 5pm, you will receive a FREE DVD or BLU-RAY MOVIE of your choice.* It's our way to make this cold winter season a little more enjoyable, and to say thanks for shopping local! This promotion is in-store only, Monday to Friday 5pm–7pm in Trenton and Belleville.
    *Exclusions may apply. To redeem this offer, a minimum purchase of $10 before taxes must be made. The DVD ($1.99) or BLU-RAY ($3.99) movie must be chosen at the time of purchase. All box sets, DVDs over $1.99, 4K movies, and BLU-RAYS over $3.99 are excluded. This offer is available in-store only until March 31, 2025.